We are a non profit consultancy and research organization
with expertise in — public health population reproductive health abortion gender and development (GAD) environment community development market research


Latest Publications — 

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Policy Brief: Addressing Gaps in Safe Abortion Services in Nepal



Advocacy Case Study: Addressing the Challenges of Delivering Safe Abortion Services at Province and Local Levels in Nepal



Children's Exposure to Unhealthy Diets in Nepal

— Services Offered —

Consultancy Research

The Consultancy Research is conducted on request by development agencies or development partners and CREHPA undertakes feasibility studies, situational assessment, marketing surveys and impact assessment studies. Read more…

Policy Research

Policy Research are undertaken by CREHPA on major issues of public health concern particularly those affecting sexual and reproductive health and Rights of Nepalese citizens. Read more…

Training and Action Research

Training and Action Research Unit offers training and action programs focusing on awareness, capacity building, advocacy and empowerment especially of the marginalized or disadvantaged communities including women and adolescent girls. Read more…

— Our Clients —